
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

opponent process theory of color vision

 mechanisms from the Opponent-Process Theory of color vision.

mechanisms from the Opponent-Process Theory of color vision.

 the three classes of photoreceptor map on to the opponent process pairs.

the three classes of photoreceptor map on to the opponent process pairs.

The opponent-process theory of color vision was developed by Ewald Hering,

The opponent-process theory of color vision was developed by Ewald Hering,

Figure 5: Opponent process corresponding to different monochromatic lights

Figure 5: Opponent process corresponding to different monochromatic lights

The opponent-process theory of emotion

The opponent-process theory of emotion

The Opponent-Process Model of Human Color Vision

The Opponent-Process Model of Human Color Vision

He proposed an opponent process theory of color vision, which suggested that

He proposed an opponent process theory of color vision, which suggested that

Hering challenged the trichromatic theory of color vision proposed by

Hering challenged the trichromatic theory of color vision proposed by

Opponent Process Circuit · New Explanation of Evolution of Color Vision in

Opponent Process Circuit · New Explanation of Evolution of Color Vision in

For the psychological and neurological model, see opponent-process theory.

For the psychological and neurological model, see opponent-process theory.

New Explanation of Evolution of Color Vision in Mammals

New Explanation of Evolution of Color Vision in Mammals

Purely for the sake of completeness, let's consider a color wheel based on

Purely for the sake of completeness, let's consider a color wheel based on

The opponent-process theory. So far, all we have presented is a qualitative

The opponent-process theory. So far, all we have presented is a qualitative

(this figure was taken from the website “Opponent Processing Theory of Color

(this figure was taken from the website “Opponent Processing Theory of Color

There are two theories of color vision. The trichromatic theory says that

There are two theories of color vision. The trichromatic theory says that

These three types of color cell are "wired" into two opponent color circuits

These three types of color cell are "wired" into two opponent color circuits

B: Opponent-color channels resulting from the linear combination of the

B: Opponent-color channels resulting from the linear combination of the

Blue-Yellow Double-Opponent Receptive Fields

Blue-Yellow Double-Opponent Receptive Fields

Figure 1: The causal process leading to color vision.

Figure 1: The causal process leading to color vision.

The color opponent process

The color opponent process